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Emne lukketParamount dropper BluRay

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Oprettet: 30-December-2004
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Direkte link til dette indlæg Emne: Paramount dropper BluRay
    Sendt: 20-August-2007 kl. 19:29
Så er der godt nyt fra HD-DVD lejren:
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Oprettet: 09-Februar-2006
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Direkte link til dette indlæg Sendt: 20-August-2007 kl. 19:55
Nu går jeg ud fra at HD DVD PRG beder EU Kommissionen om at droppe
undersøgelserne af BDA, når de nu selv har betalt Paramount $150 mio. for
at droppe Blu-ray, som de ellers har solgt mest af.

Nå, men Microsoft regner jo nok med at dette er endnu et skridt mod HD

Redigeret af lunddal - 20-August-2007 kl. 19:56
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lunddal, hvor har du det med de 150 mio fra??
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Oprettet: 09-Februar-2006
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Direkte link til dette indlæg Sendt: 20-August-2007 kl. 20:10
Det var fra en Hollywood blog skrevet tidligere i dag, og der står også lidt på

Det er selvfølgelig rygter, men der skal da et eller andet til for at droppe
Blu-ray film (bl.a. Blades of Glory), som skulle have stået på hylderne i næste
uge, og som endda havde bedre lyd end HD DVD udgaverne.

Måske kan man vælge side (Paramount støttede også kun HD DVD i starten),
men det virker ikke logisk at vælge det så drastik, at titler, som de rent
faktisk har brugt tid og penge på droppes.
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Oprettet: 25-April-2005
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Darn, her håbede man på en hurtig afslutning af formatkrigen men 1 milliard kroner kan naturligvis få de fleste til at åbne døren - en lille korrektion dog: Spielbergs sager hos Paramount kommer vist BD men resten heriblandt men ikke begrænset til Transformers og Shrek the Third udkommer eksklusivt til HD-DVD. Combo players er pludseligt mere attraktive - rahsgu! Kvaliteten tabte igen... - ikke fordi BD er højere kvalitet end hd-dvd men fordi en grumset formatkrig betyder at ingen af de optiske HD-medier får den brede udbredelse vi havde håbet på  og vi må defor leve med downloads og talentløs hård komprimering.


Redigeret af mhelt - 20-August-2007 kl. 20:15
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Oprettet: 09-Februar-2006
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Direkte link til dette indlæg Sendt: 20-August-2007 kl. 20:16
Oprindeligt skrevet af mhelt mhelt skrev:

Darn, her håbede man på en hurtig afslutning af
formatkrigen men 1 milliard kroner kan naturligvis få de fleste til at åbne
døren - en lille korrektion dog: Spielbergs sager hos Paramount kommer vist

Jeg tror mere det betyder at Spielbergs film ikke kommer på HD foreløbigt.
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Oprettet: 25-April-2005
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Direkte link til dette indlæg Sendt: 20-August-2007 kl. 20:19

Ja det var uklart formuleret. Når eller måske snarere hvis Paramount udgiver Spielbergs sager kommer de på både blu-ray og hd-dvd... alternativt kommer de kun gennem online distribution....



Redigeret af mhelt - 20-August-2007 kl. 20:40
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Oprettet: 25-Marts-2006
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Direkte link til dette indlæg Sendt: 20-August-2007 kl. 22:07
Den er ikke helt officiel endnu er den?
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Oprettet: 25-Marts-2006
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Direkte link til dette indlæg Sendt: 20-August-2007 kl. 22:19
Spielberg ejer vel stadig Dreamworks, så Shrek er ikke helt ved siden af tror
jeg, heldigvis er det en animeret film, så på standard dvd ser det nok ikke
tosset ud i forhold til.

Transformers vil jeg savne.

Håber på at Indiana også kommer til blu-ray, som jeg forstår nyheden.

Vil Spielberg komme med en yderligere statement?
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Oprettet: 02-Januar-2004
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Direkte link til dette indlæg Sendt: 20-August-2007 kl. 22:22
Oprindeligt skrevet af Bendix Bendix skrev:

Den er ikke helt officiel endnu er den?

Jo, moderselskabet Viacom har nyheden på deres hjemmeside:

Desværre ret bekymrende at det ikke blot er et Dual format support statement de har udsendt.... Som flere andre har skrevet kan det betyde at ingen af medietyperrne får nogen stor udbredelse - eller løber som sejrherre (SACD/DVD-Audio).


Redigeret af laursen - 20-August-2007 kl. 22:23
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Oprettet: 25-Marts-2006
Sted: Denmark
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Direkte link til dette indlæg Sendt: 20-August-2007 kl. 22:32
Oprindeligt skrevet af laursen laursen skrev:

Oprindeligt skrevet af Bendix Bendix skrev:

Den er ikke helt officiel endnu er den?
moderselskabet Viacom har nyheden på deres">http://
Desværre ret
bekymrende at det ikke blot er et Dual format support statement de har
udsendt.... Som flere andre har skrevet kan det betyde at ingen af
medietyperrne får nogen stor udbredelse - eller løber som sejrherre

Ja det er ikke super godt, det giver meget mere kamp i kampen. Måske
kommer det en anelse for sent..

Hvor mange ville vælge Dreamworks for Disney hvis vi ser på den største
forbruger konge, børnene?

PS3 stormer frem for tiden, den kan dog stadig have en vigtig betydning,
men jeg er træt af at krigen skal trække ud......
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Oprettet: 09-Februar-2006
Sted: Danmark
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Point: 8643
Direkte link til dette indlæg Sendt: 20-August-2007 kl. 22:50
Fox er vågnet:

"Fox and MGM Unveil Blu-Ray Exclusive Worldwide Releases for 2007

29 Titles To Debut Packed With Soon-to-Be-Announced BD Industry
‘Firsts’ - PLUS – Fox’s First TV Title ‘PRISON BREAK’

HARD and Other Titles To Debut Day-and-Date on BD/DVD

-- Blu-ray Out-Performing HD DVD 2-to-1 At Retail in 2007 --

LOS ANGELES--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Twentieth Century Fox Home
Entertainment (TCFHE) today unveiled an aggressive global Blu-ray Disc
release strategy including 29 new release and “must-have” catalog titles
that runs through the end of the 2007 calendar year. Among the many
highlights of the impressive worldwide slate are six day & date BD/DVD
new theatrical releases from Fox including the $241 million box-office
$335 million box-office action powerhouse LIVE FREE OR DIE HARD, four
day & date BD/DVD (U.S. only) new theatrical releases from MGM, 19
‘must-have on BD’ films from the two studios’ libraries, Fox’s first-ever
TV release on BD – PRISON BREAK -- and Fox’s intention to release at
least one state-of-the-art title per month featuring numerous BD ‘firsts.’

The only high-definition packaged media universally supported by the
film, music, gaming and computer industries, BD is the #1 selling high-
definition packaged media. In fact, on a worldwide basis, BD is averaging
nearly 70% market-share per week of all high definition titles sold this
year and, in the U.S., it is out-performing HD DVD by a margin of 115%.

“Given that Blu-ray has consistently outsold HD DVD all year, and this is
the case for any titles released by any studio in both formats, we believe
that the time is right for us to accelerate our activities and help convert
the nearly 60 million high definition households worldwide into Blu-ray
households,” noted Mike Dunn, President Worldwide, Twentieth Century
Fox Home Entertainment. “By the end of this calendar year there will be
expansive availability of technically vibrant releases featuring never-
before-seen, advanced BD-J interactivity as well as a broad offering of
playback devices at attractive prices that will prove to any doubting
consumers once and for all that Blu-ray is the only way.”

“And as Blu-ray continues to grows stronger, it has become survival of
the fittest which is most apparent in the retail landscape where our eager
and growing global Blu-ray consumer base has caused a shift that is
forcing the allocation of more space to the format that is selling the best.
And, in many recent instances of note, top retailers in North America are
choosing to promote the Blu-ray format exclusively in their stores,”
continued Dunn.

Among the BD industry ‘firsts’ from the Studios’ upcoming global release
slate are picture in picture capability, enhanced viewing and surround
sound modes with the ability to mix and match picture and sound, direct
access to in-movie features through one of the four colored buttons on
the BD remote and the most technically vibrant BD-Java interactive multi-
player challenge and trivia games to date. The Studios’ slate also takes
full advantage of BD-Live functionality this fourth quarter. Internet-
connected consumers will enjoy unique, title specific “web-enabled”
interactive features and games and “web-exclusive” downloadable
content with the ability to connect and interact with other broadband BD
users worldwide.

Cementing its leadership position within the industry - previous BD
releases NIGHT AT THE MUSEUM and X-MEN THE LAST STAND rank in the
Top 20 best-sellers - the vast majority of the Studios’ upcoming global
slate will be presented on 50 GB dual-layer discs with advanced BD-J
interactivity and feature numerous Blu-ray exclusive high-definition
bonus materials that further realizes BD’s incredible potential. Consumers
will enjoy the superior video and audio elements of AVC encoding and
Lossless HD audio on many of the coming titles as well as enhanced and
integrated menus, personal scene selections, search indexing, trivia and
other title specific games and high-definition bonus materials.

Upcoming BD-J features exclusive to priority catalogue titles from Fox
and MGM include an "Alien Scavenger Hunt" (INDEPENDENCE DAY) that
challenges players to earn points by identifying the correct number of
aliens in select scenes to unlock additional bonus features; a “Global
Warming Trivia Track” (THE DAY AFTER TOMORROW) where users must
correctly answer questions about global warming to keep the Earth’s
temperature from rising and being destroyed; and a historical and
geographical pop-up map (MASTER & COMMANDER) that tracks the
location of Captain "Lucky" Jack Aubrey and his enemies.

Listed below are the upcoming Blu-ray Disc releases from Fox and MGM
excluding new theatrical day & date BD/DVD releases. EXACT TITLE

TITLE         & nbsp;         & nbsp;     N.A. RELEASE       INTERNATION AL RELEASE
MASTER & COMMANDER        &nb sp;    OCT. 2           ;   OCT.
THE DAY AFTER TOMORROW        OCT. 2           ;   NOV.
FROM HELL         &n bsp;         &n bsp;  OCT. 9           ;   OCT.
THE FLY (1986)                  OCT. 9           ;   Q1 08
EDWARD SCISSORHANDS             OCT. 9           ;   NOV.
28 DAYS LATER         & nbsp;        OCT. 9           ;   North America Only
ROBOCOP (MGM)         & nbsp;        OCT. 9           ;   DEC.
AMITYVILLE HORROR (1979) (MGM) OCT. 9           ;   North America Only
BATTLE OF BRITAIN (MGM)        NOV. 6           ;   Q1 08
A BRIDGE TOO FAR (MGM)        NOV. 6           ;   Q1 08
I, ROBOT         & nbsp;         & nbsp;  NOV. 13         &nbs p;  Q1 08
DIE HARD         &n bsp;         &n bsp;  NOV.         &n bsp;     NOV.
DIE HARD 2: DIE HARDER        NOV         &nb sp;     NOV.
DIE HARD WITH A VENGEANCE       NOV.         &n bsp;     NOV.
RED DAWN (MGM)                  NOV.         &n bsp;     Q1 08
MR. AND MRS. SMITH         & nbsp;   DEC. 4           ;   DEC.
INDEPENDENCE DAY         &nb sp;     DEC. 4           ;   DEC.
CAST AWAY         &n bsp;         &n bsp;  DEC. 4           ;   North America Only
RONIN (MGM)         & nbsp;         & nbsp;DEC. 4           ;   DEC.
Blu-ray Disc is a next generation optical disc format developed for high-
definition video and high-capacity software applications. A single-layer
Blu-ray Disc holds up to 25 gigabytes of data and a dual-layer Blu-ray
Disc holds up to 50 gigabytes of data. This greater storage capacity
enables the Blu-ray Disc to store over six times the amount of content
than is possible with current DVDs, and is particularly well-suited for high
definition feature films with extended levels of additional bonus and
interactive material. Blu-ray also features the most advanced copy
protection, player backward compatibility with the current DVD format,
connectivity and advanced interactivity.

Fox takes advantage of the next generation format’s high definition
technology and advanced functionality to present its titles with the
highest quality audiovisual elements. Showcasing picture quality with six
times the resolution of DVD and theater quality “uncompressed” audio for
the purest digital sound, the cutting-edge discs also feature enhanced
and integrated menus, games, high-definition bonus materials and Java-
encoding for more dynamic and sophisticated interactivity.

The Studio’s commitment to emerging technologies is dedicated to
enhancing the consumer experience of its products and providing for
backward compatibility with their existing home entertainment libraries
while also aggressively protecting its intellectual property from piracy.
The Blu-ray companies fully embrace the Studio’s steadfast commitment
to the fight against piracy and the preservation of the integrity of its
properties. Twentieth Century Fox is a member of the Board of Directors
of the Blu- ray Disc Association.

A recognized global industry leader, Twentieth Century Fox Home
Entertainment LLC (TCFHE) is the worldwide marketing, sales and
distribution company for all Fox film and television programming on VHS,
DVD and Blu-ray Disc (BD) as well as acquisitions and original
productions. The company also releases all products around the globe for
MGM Home Entertainment. Each year TCFHE introduces hundreds of new
and newly enhanced products, which it services to retail outlets -- from
mass merchants and warehouse clubs to specialty stores and e-
commerce - throughout the world. Twentieth Century Fox Home
Entertainment LLC is a subsidiary of Twentieth Century Fox Film
Corporation, a News Corporation company."
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