Blu-ray film fra australien, med og uden dk tekst.
Dem der har dk tekst, har et (+) efter titlen
10.000 B.C
12 Rounds (+)
2001 a space odyssey (+)
27 dresses
28 Weeks later (+)
3:10 to yuma
30 days of night
40 year old virgin
6th day (+)
A clockwork orange (+)
A few good men (+)
A knights tale (+)
Across the universe
Air force one (+)
Alien vs predator (+)
Alien vs predator 2 requiem (+)
Almost famous
American gangster (+)
An American Werewolf in London 30-09-09
Aviator: the
Batman begins
Bedtime stories
Behind enemy lines (+)
Beowulf direc. Cut (+)
Big hit: the (+)
Bone collector: the
Bourne Trilogi (+)
Bram strokers: dracula (+)
Breaking and entering (+)
Bride wars
Broken arrow (+)
Butch cassidy and the sun
Can´t hardly wait
Casino (+)
catch and release (+)
Chain reaction (+)
Cinderella man (+)
Cj 7
Click (+)
Close encounters of the third kind (+)
Closer (+)
Commando (+)
Con air (+)
Courage under fire (+)
Covenant: the (+)
Coyote ugly (+)
Crimson tide (+)
Cruel intensions (+)
Curious case of benjamin button: The (+)
Daddy day camp (+)
Dark city
dark water
Day after tomorrow: the (+)
Day watch (+)
Days of thunder
Déja vu (+)
Devils own: the (+)
Die hard (+)
Die hard 2 (+)
Die hard 4.0 (+)
Dirty dancing
Dirty harry: magnum force (+)
Dirty harry: The enforcer (+)
Dr seuss´horton hears a who
Dracula (+)
dragon wars
Drillbit taylor
Eagle eye (+)
Edward scissorhands
Eight below (+)
Enemy of the state (+)
Eragon (+)
Exorcism of emily rose: the (+)
eyes wide shut (+)
Fast & Furious (4) (+)
Felon (+)
Fired up 30-09-09
First knight (+)
Flatliners (+)
Flight of the phoenix (+)
Flightplan (+)
Fog: The (1980)
Forgetting sarah marshall
From hell (+)
Game plan: the (+)
Ghostrider (+)
Gladiator: 2 Disc Definitive Edition (+)
Godfather trilogi: the (+)
Gone baby gone
Gone in 60 seconds (+)
good luck chuck
Grey´s anatomy sæs 4
Guardian: the (+)
Half past dead (+)
Harry potter 1
Harry potter 2-5 (+)
Hart´s war (+)
Hellboy 2 (+)
High school musical
High school musical 2
Hills have eyes: the (+)
Hitch (+)
Hitchhikers guide to the galaxy: the (+)
Hitman unrated (+)
Hollow man
Hollywoodland (+)
Hostel (+)
Hostel 2 (+)
Hulk 1 (+)
I robot (+)
In the line of fire
independence day (+)
Indiana Jones 4 (+)
Iron man (+)
Jailhouse rock
Jerry maguire (+)
James bond: Die another day (+)
James bond: Dr. No (+)
James bond: for your eyes only (+)
James bond: Casino royale (+)
James bond: Casino royale ny udgave (+)
James bond: from russia with love (+)
James bond: live and let die (+)
James bond: thunderball (+)
Jane austen book club: the (+)
jumper (+)
Juno (+)
Kill bill volume 1
Kill bill volume 2
King Kong (+)
Knocked up
Kung fu hustle (+)
Ladder 49
Land of the dead
Layer cake (+)
League of extraordinary gentlemen: the (+)
Made of honour
Maid in manhatten
Marine: the (+)
master and commander (+)
Maximum risk (+)
Men in black (+)
Men of honour (+)
Miami vice 2006 (+)
Mona lisa smile
Monster house minus dansk tale. (+)
monty python´s life of brian (+)
My best friends wedding (+)
Narnia løven heksen og garderobeskabet (+)
National treasure 1
National treasure 2
Night watch (+)
No country for old men
Omen: the (+)
One missed call
P:O:T:C 1og 2 (+)
P:O:T:C 3
Pearl harbor (+)
Phonebooth (+)
Predator (+)
Professionals: The
prom night (2008)
Purple rain
Rambo 4
Recruit: the
Red Dragon (+)
Reservoir dogs
resident evil extinction (+)
robocop (+)
Rollerball ny
Rookie: the (+)
Run lola run
Rush hour 3
Sarah Connor Chronicles Season 1
Saw 4
Scooby doo (real movie)
Sentinel: the (+)
Seven Pounds
Sex and the city: the movie
Shall we dance (+)
Shining: the
Sixth sence: The
So i married an axe murderer (+)
Spiderwick chronckles: The
St trinian´s
Stargate- continuum
starship troopers 3
Starsky & hutch
State of play 25-09-09
State of Play 30-09-09
Stealth (+)
Street kings (+)
Sunshine (+)
Superbad badass edition (+)
Superman 2
Surf´s up
Saawariya (+)
Talladega nights (+)
Tekkon kinkret (+)
Terminator 2
There will be blood
Tomb raider
Total recall (+)
Transformers (+)
Troy direc. Cut
Tudors: the
Twilight Zone the movie
Ultraviolet (+)
Unbreakable (+)
Underdog (+)
Underworld evolution (+)
Underworld: rise of the lycans
Urban legend (+)
Vacancy (+)
Valkyrie (+)
vantage point
Vertical limit (+)
Walk Hard The Dewey Cox Story
wall street (+)
Warriors of heaven and earth
Water horse: the
welcome to the jungle (+)
What happens in vegas
Wicker man : the
Wild hogs (+)
Wild: The. ja men uden dansk tale (+)
Windtalkers (+)
wyatt earp
X-men 3 (+)
XXX the next level
Young guns
Zodiac direc. Cut (+)
Redigeret af flemming larsen - 10-December-2009 kl. 19:49