Der er andre der har samme problem. De skriver at det er maintenance, hvilket vel ikke er helt urealistisk nu hvor de har sagt at PSN vil være helt oppe at køre fra den 31. af.
/ERROR 80710092
connect to the interent or PlayStation Network. This may be caused by
scheduled maintenance or issues with your internet connection
1. Turn off your PS3, your router, your modem, etc.
2. Let everything stand turned for at least one minute.
3. Turn on you router/modem and wait for full power up (i.e. All lights lit)
4. Turn on your PS3 and try to access PSN
1. Go to [XMB] Settings>Network Settings>Internet Connection Test
2. Post the results here.
Redigeret af SteffenD89 - 29-Maj-2011 kl. 16:34