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glemt kode begrænsninger på iPhone

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Forumnavn: Apple udstyr
Forumbeskrivelse: Apple grej baseret på iOS som iPhones, iPads og iPod Touch
Udskrevet den: 20-Februar-2025 kl. 20:23

Emne: glemt kode begrænsninger på iPhone
Skrevet af: rhsin
Emne: glemt kode begrænsninger på iPhone
Skrevet den: 25-April-2014 kl. 19:03

Jeg har glemt koden til begrænsninger på min iPhone, og jeg har i den forbindelse lavet en nulstilling af telefonen, også indlæst sikkerhedskopien, men den starter stadig op med samme kode på begrænsningerne.. som jeg altså har glemt...

Jeg har prøvet at gendanne fra både itunes sikkerhedskopi samt icloud.. hvad gør jeg forkert?



Skrevet af: JayKay
Skrevet den: 25-April-2014 kl. 19:55 -

Måske er der hjælp at hente her Smile

Skrevet af: rhsin
Skrevet den: 25-April-2014 kl. 22:26
Tak den ledte mig på sporet af en løsning herfra -
af walldogkl

kort beskrivelse som virker på mac.

1) Backup iPhone/iPod/iPad to iTunes. Sync your iPhone/iPod/iPad and make sure the backup is help locally.

2) Close iTunes but leave your device plugged in to your computer

3) Download iBackupBot

4) Open iBackupBot

5) Select your backup from the left column. For me, it was the last one with today's date on it.

6) Navigate to "Library/Preferences/" (there may be two files named this; try them both) and double-click to open.

     This was the hardest part. There are actually two files that are You want the one here:

          System Files/HomeDomain/Library/Preferences/

     Double click the file to open it. The whole "This is a TRIAL Version" will appear. You do NOT need to buy the program. Just hit cancel and the file will open.

7) If the backup is from iOS 4.X or lower then you should be able to find "<key>SBParentalControlsPIN</key>" somewhere in this file and your passcode will be below this line.

If your backup is iOS 5 or higher, then continue on. I assume everyone is running iOS 6 or higher so continue.

8) Look for and change the string for "SBParentalControlsFailedAttempts" to 0.

Here is where things get a little complicated. For some reason, I was not able to make any changes that got saved to the .plist file. I did it numerous times and nothing happened. In summary, what I did was export the .plist file, and use another program to make the changes, then reimported it using iBackupBot and then restored it to the iphone. Instructions continue below:

8a) So you have the open. Go to the icons on top and click Export. Pick a destination (I used the Desktop).

8b) Download PlistEditPro to edit the .plist document ( After you download and install the PlistEditPro, you can right-click the file and Open With PlistEditPro.

8c) If you don't see the commands, or if it says "The property list is in binary format and has no textual representation. To see a textual representation, choose a different property list format using the Change Format submenu located in the Operations menu." then go to the Operations Menu, click Format and select XML. That should show the commands.

8d) Look for (about 2/3 down) and change the string for "SBParentalControlsFailedAttempts" to 1. I did this rather than 0 in case there wasn't supposed to be anything if there were 0 failed attempts and I didn't want to screw it up.

9) Directly below the FailedAttempts, you will see:





After THAT, add this text:



Make sure it matches the rest of the file. You will need to remove leading spaces for each command line and it should be tabbed over.

10) Click save. If you get an error, then you probably have extra spaces or tabs in there. Go back and make it consistent. Click save.

11) Close out of that file

11a) Go back to iBackupBot. Click Import on the top and select the just edited file.

12) Click restore backup/file to iPhone/iPod Touch (the icon of an iPhone and a blue arrow) located under the menu bar in iBackupBot

13) After restore is done (should be like 10 seconds) and phone restarts the password should be 1234.

14) Change it to something you will remember this time.

Jeg kan tilføje at får man fejl -37 skal man slå find my iphone fra på devicen og prøve igen.

Det virkede perfekt for mig... om end man skal holde tungen lige i munden ;o)



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