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Samsung Q70 series connecting to ekstern PC issue

Udskrevet fra: - Danmarks AV Forum
Kategori: Modtagelse og distribution
Forumnavn: Smart TV
Forumbeskrivelse: Smart TV, Google TV, Apple TV, Microsoft TV og andre indholdstjenester til TV
Udskrevet den: 22-December-2024 kl. 05:00

Emne: Samsung Q70 series connecting to ekstern PC issue
Skrevet af: kila
Emne: Samsung Q70 series connecting to ekstern PC issue
Skrevet den: 02-Marts-2023 kl. 16:46
I'm trying to connect my PC Win10 to Samsung Q70 series TV
The PC is wired and TV is wifi .
The problem is, my windows account has no password
and on TV to connect ekstern PC, the TV wants a password
I don't what to write in that field, and I'm not allowd to skip it
I tried" spacebar" "0000""1234" notting seems to work
Any ideas ?

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