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Limited Edition of 'The Fast And The Furious'

Udskrevet fra: - Danmarks AV Forum
Kategori: Recordere, afspillere og foto
Forumnavn: Blu-ray afspillere
Forumbeskrivelse: Afspillere med blu-ray
Udskrevet den: 04-December-2024 kl. 20:10

Emne: Limited Edition of 'The Fast And The Furious'
Skrevet af: Allan9210
Emne: Limited Edition of 'The Fast And The Furious'
Skrevet den: 05-November-2009 kl. 20:52
For ikke så længe siden bestilte jeg - Limited Edition of 'The Fast And The Furious' fra,
og da jeg fik den kunne jeg godt se der mangled nogen "klistermærker" men tænkte jeg ikke sådan mere over, til i dag da jeg fik en Mail fra dem omkring det.
Dear Customer

Greetings from

We are writing to you regarding your recent order of the Limited Edition of 'The Fast And The Furious'.

Unfortunately the product has been shipped without the set of magnetic decals. The supplier is aware of this and would like to send you not only the decals but also a free Bluray of 'Hellboy 2: The Golden Army' as compensation.

Please contact the supplier using the e-mail address below and they will send you the decals plus the free Bluray:

Thank you for your attention to this email.

Warmest regards,

Customer Service Department

Det syns jeg nu er oki service fra deres side.. og har da os tænk mig at bruge tilbudet :)

Andre der har fået samme mail?


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