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afkodning af sony ns300

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Kategori: Recordere, afspillere og foto
Forumnavn: DVD afspillere
Forumbeskrivelse: DVD afspillere (men ikke optagere)
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Emne: afkodning af sony ns300
Skrevet af: PerFJ
Emne: afkodning af sony ns300
Skrevet den: 22-December-2005 kl. 15:11

Jeg har en SONY NS 300 DVD afspiller, som jeg egentlig er godt tilfreds med. Men den er kodet. Kan en eller anden fortælle mig, hvordan man afkoder den?

Venlig hilsen Per Johnsen -


Skrevet af: 1mba
Skrevet den: 22-December-2005 kl. 22:47


Jeg fandt dette på denne link måske det virker. - p;hits=50

DVP-NS300 region 2 player

Tried, tested and confirmed, all have a DVD device key as standard on the remotes

One For All 4 Signature URC7030 (£20)
One For All 4 Digital URC-7541 vB01 (£18) ( all with MAGIC flashing twice )
One For All 6 Standard URC-7560 (£29)

One For All 6 Kameleon URC-8204 ( most expensive remote £80 with a rabbit=magic flashing twice )

Set the remote for use with the SONY DVD player:
1. Select DVD device on remote.
2. Hold MAGIC button until it blinks twice
3. Enter device code 0533

Program the 5 number buttons with the following codes:

1 = 189 2 = 255 3 = 095 4 = 221 5 = 079

1. Hold MAGIC button until it blinks twice
2. Press 994 ( this is the KEYMAGIC function to set custom key codes)
3. Press MAGIC button once
4. Enter 3 digit code from above for the 1st number key, the key will blink twice
5. Repeat steps 1 to 4 for the remaining four number keys 2 to 5

Make the DVD player region free:
1. Remove any DVD in the DVD Player, put player on standby.
2. Press the number keys 1,2,3,4,5 in segquence and player will come out of standby mode, display shows NO DISC
3. Then press the same sequence again 1,2,3,4,5 player shuts down back into standby mode.
4. Now simply insert any Region DVD Disc and turn the player on if this doesn't work then turn the DVD player out of standby then repeat only step 3.
5. The DVD will play without the error message protected by area region.


Venligst Michael / 1mba

Kiss DP-558 Rev.01 200GB 10.10.2006 køre Alternativ FW 1.1.7_Stage2_RF   Meget Tilfreds.

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