Yes, så har Nintendo selv bekræftet den nye konsol.
Today in Japan, Nintendo confirmed the upcoming release of the Wii's
successor. The still-unnamed console will be revealed at this year's E3
gaming expo in Los Angeles in June.
The new console will go on sale in 2012, said Nintendo in an official statement.
Sales of this new system have not been included in the financial
forecasts announced today for the fiscal term ending March 2012, which
suggests that the new console might not be out before the April 2012
calendar year.
Kotaku broke the news that Sony and Microsoft are apparently - waiting until 2014 for their new machines, making Nintendo first out of the gate in the next console generation.
This console, - believed to be code-named "Project Cafe" , is rumored to be a powerful machine, - boasting bigger and badder specifications than either the Xbox 360 or PlayStation 3 .
The Wii successor is also suspected of using a novel controller
interface which marries a traditional d-pad-and-buttons scheme with a
large touch-screen input. Kotaku also reported that while the new
console will feature a new controller, it - will also support Wii Remote-style controllers.
The console will debut this June at the E3 gaming expo in Los
Angeles, complete with playable demo versions of the machine. Nintendo's
announcement today confirms what Kotaku - originally reported . According to Nintendo, there will also be more details shared at that time. -!5795241/nintendo-confirms-wii-successor Indtil videre florerer følgende rygter rundt på nettet, så ta' dem med et gran salt: - Mere kraftig end Xbox 360 og PS3.
- 1080P output.
- 3D.
- Controlleren vil have en indbygget HD touchskærm og samme knappe-setup som gamecuben.
- GTA V bliver release titel - jeg mener at det rygte er blevet begravet igen ?!
- Battlefield 3 vil også være release titel.
- Retro har får development kit til konsollen og arbejder på en fortsættelse til et spil, måske enten et nyt Starfox eller Eternal Darkness 2.
- En pris på $350-$400.
- Den kommer ikke til at hedde Wii 2 eller noget med Wii.
- Bagudkompatibel med Wii.
- Systemet vil ikke benytte sig af "friend codes".
Desuden lød det første rygte også således:
This is it folks- Nintendo are jumping head on into HD, and kickstarting
the eighth generation of gaming. The successor to the Wii is set to be
revealed this E3, multiple sources have claimed, and it will be 'done
right,' claim these sources, 'not a gimmick like the Wii.' Set to launch
in 2012, the system will feature full backwards compatibility with the
Wii, although it is unknown if it will carry the Wii branding.The catch is that when Nintendo was contacted for information by Game Informer, they did not
say the usual we do not respond to speculation and rumors.... instead,
they said 'stay tuned for E3.' This is it, folks. This is as big as it
gets. Nintendo is all set to unveil their latest system- what will it be
like? Sound off, people!">
Hvis prisen er fornuftig herhjemme og Nintendo den her gang kommer med i puljen om de store multiplatform spil er der en rimelig sandsynlighed for at jeg er game.
Jeg har altid godt kunne lide Nintedo spillene (mario, metroid osv.) og hvis det bliver blandet med Battlefield, Batman og andre store titler, som både Xbox 360, PS3 og PC nyder godt af, bliver det helt sikkert godt.
Eneste tanke jeg har, er hvis controlleren virkelig understøtter en HD touchskærm bliver den vold dyr. En dualshock 3 controller til PS3 koster jo allerede 500kr herhjemme og det synes jeg i forvejen er alt for dyrt.
Udover det, synes jeg egentlig at det er fedt nok. Man vil jo sagtens kunne udnytte sådan en skærm, så ens HUD på selve tv'et bliver mere "clean" - altså der er mindre fyldting, som f.eks. minimap, ammunition osv.
Hvad siger i?