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PSP spil (remastered) kommer til PS3

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Udskrevet den: 13-Februar-2025 kl. 07:31

Emne: PSP spil (remastered) kommer til PS3
Skrevet af: SteffenD89
Emne: PSP spil (remastered) kommer til PS3
Skrevet den: 22-Maj-2011 kl. 11:59

Sony Unveils PSP Remaster Series for PS3

Classic PSP titles being revived on PS3 in HD. Monster Hunter leads the way.

Posted on - 05.22.2011 at 14:35, by">Anoop Gantayat">

Sony will be bringing classic PlayStation Portable titles to PlayStation 3 as part of a new PSP Remaster lineup. The company announced the series today along with its first major release.

PSP Remaster offers PSP titles remastered for play on the PS3. The games are spruced up with full HD visuals, compatibility with Dual Shock 3, PS3 exclusive content, 3D support, and other features.

The PSP and PS3 versions of the game also share save data. Sony says that this could allow you to play a game on the PSP while on the go, then continue playing when you return home.

The PS3 versions are also compatible with Sony's Ad Hoc Party for PlayStation Portable service for network play. This free PS3 app normally allows local play PSP titles to use the PS3 as a proxy for true online play.

The series will kick off first in Japan through sales of Blu-ray Disc titles, Sony said. The wording of Sony's statement suggests that the series will also be released internationally and will also see some games offered in download form. The press release did not explicitly mention these areas, though.

For the series' first title, Sony has a biggie. As detailed earlier today, Capcom will release a PS3 version of Monster Hunter Portable 3rd under the name Monster Hunter Portable HD. The 4.5 million selling PSP title will feature 3D support, HD visuals and shared save files with the PSP, and will see release this summer.

For more details on the Monster Hunter conversion, see - this story .


Skrevet af: SteffenD89
Skrevet den: 22-Maj-2011 kl. 12:07
Det er jo ren win/win. Ikke nok med at der bliver udgivet en shit load af spil i år til PS3, så kommer der også lige PSP spil.

Jeg ved godt at grafikken vil være på niveau med GoW kollektionen, men det er ligemeget når vi kan komme til at spille spil som; MGS: PW, GoW Chains of Olympus, Final Fantasy 7: Crisis Core osv.

Monster Hunter "HD" kommer allerede til sommer.

.. Så mangler vi jo kun en genudgivelse af MGS 1-3 også er PS3 den ultimative MGS konsolLOL


Skrevet af: Klondike
Skrevet den: 22-Maj-2011 kl. 16:52
Lyder fedt med FF 7 of MGS solid fra PSP de to spil har jeg altid godt kunnet tænke mig at spille Smile

Der kommer vidst også snart en splinter cell triologi til PS3 den glæder jeg mig oså til.

Skrevet af: SteffenD89
Skrevet den: 22-Maj-2011 kl. 17:05
Det skal så lige siges at det bare er hvad jeg regner med at der kommer. De skriver et sted at det er de mest kendte spil der bliver udgivet.

Monster Hunter kommer som sagt til sommer, men det er så bare i Japan.


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