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The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

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Oprettet: 10-Juli-2008
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Funktioner Funktioner   Tak (0) Tak(0)   Citér SteffenD89 Citér  BesvarSvar Direkte link til dette indlæg Sendt: 29-November-2011 kl. 10:25
Oprindeligt skrevet af Rasmusdc Rasmusdc skrev:

Har den på pc. Havde hørt folk fable om fantastisk grafik. Kører ultra alt, dog kun 2 x aa men synes ikke det ser specielt godt ud. Plus der ingen detalje grad er når man ser ting langt væk, brugt 1 time, er ikke rigtigt imponeret endnu, heller ikke gameplay mæssigt.

Vil ikke sige at det direkte er grimt, men fantastisk? Jeg har alt på max og det eh.. halter lidtTongue Ville dog ønske at der var en bedre draw-distance eller hvad det hedder. Jeg vil kunne se længere Tongue
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Oprettet: 09-December-2007
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Funktioner Funktioner   Tak (0) Tak(0)   Citér Rasmusdc Citér  BesvarSvar Direkte link til dette indlæg Sendt: 29-November-2011 kl. 12:42
netop.. drawdistance er den største begræsning, var godt klar over grafikken ikke ville være fantastisk, men måske være ok for denne type spil, især når det er Free Roam...
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Oprettet: 20-Juli-2008
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Funktioner Funktioner   Tak (0) Tak(0)   Citér Rod83 Citér  BesvarSvar Direkte link til dette indlæg Sendt: 02-December-2011 kl. 10:49
News d. 2/12-2011 - Fra Bethesda's blog Smile:
As of today, it’s been three weeks since we released Skyrim worldwide. We’re simply blown away by the response, from new and old fans, and amazed by the sheer number of people playing the game. It’s been absolutely fantastic hearing your stories, seeing early mods, and watching fan videos (more live music ones please, we love those).

We want to thank everyone reading this for playing our game and supporting all it tries to do. We wouldn’t have this success without you, and we want you to know we’re committed to making your Skyrim experience even better. And not just in the short term, but over the life of the game. Here’s a quick peek at what we’re working on right now:

Creation Kit (PC Only) — Beginning in January, PC players will be able to download the same development tools we used at Bethesda Game Studios to create Skyrim. In tandem with the Creation Kit’s release, we will roll out a new Wiki and videos to help you get started. It also features something we think you’re going to love…

Steam Workshop (PC Only) – We’re excited to share news that we’ve been working closely with Valve to integrate Steam Workshop into the Creation Kit. Using the Workshop, you’ll have free user content with the push of a button. The Creation Kit will bundle your mod and upload it to the Workshop, where everyone can browse, rate, and flag mods for download. You’ll be able to do this from any web device, including your smartphone. Like a live Netflix queue, when you fire up Skyrim, mods you flagged will be automatically downloaded and installed. Everyone here is really excited about the opportunities and possibilities this opens up for our entire community.

Prefer to use existing modding sites? Not a problem. You’ll still be able to upload/share/access Skyrim mods on fan-created mod sites.

Continued Game Updates – This week we released update 1.2 across all platforms, and we’ll be releasing an incremental update next week. We anticipate it will be up on PC first, and then hit PS3 and Xbox 360 later in the week. Among other things, the update will fix issues like magic resistance not calculating properly and the rare, amazing backwards flying dragon. Once the update is released, we’ll share the full release notes.

After the holidays, we’ll continue to release regular updates for the game — through full title updates, as well as incremental “gameplay updates” to fix whatever issues come up along with rebalancing portions of the game for difficulty or exploits. We plan on having a lot of these, not just a few. Overall, you should expect updates to be hitting the PC and Steam earlier and more often, as that’s a process we control. Console updates will follow, as they must be certified and processed by those manufacturers.

We all know this is a huge game, and everyone has a different experience. We’ll continue to do everything we can to make the game better and better for as many people as possible every day. We’ve also realized that with the millions upon millions of people playing Skyrim, we need to treat our updates with greater care. If we get too aggressive trying to fix a minor issue, we run a risk of breaking something larger in a game like this. To be safe, we are prioritizing code side fixes right now over data fixes. Quest and balance issues are usually data, and those will start rolling in a large way with the January updates.

Thanks again for your continued support and patience. We truly have the best fans in the world, and we couldn’t do it without you.           
Panasonic TX-P50G20E (anmeldelse)|Onkyo TX-SR308B|Sony BDP-S550|PS3-Slim
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Oprettet: 20-Juli-2008
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Funktioner Funktioner   Tak (0) Tak(0)   Citér Rod83 Citér  BesvarSvar Direkte link til dette indlæg Sendt: 03-December-2011 kl. 17:31
Digitalfoundrys analyse af ps3 'erens framerate problemer:
Jeg lægger særlig mærke til sætningen "It's the first time our performance analysis tools have ever recorded a 0FPS reading." Thumbs Down  
Panasonic TX-P50G20E (anmeldelse)|Onkyo TX-SR308B|Sony BDP-S550|PS3-Slim
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Oprettet: 20-Juli-2008
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Funktioner Funktioner   Tak (0) Tak(0)   Citér Rod83 Citér  BesvarSvar Direkte link til dette indlæg Sendt: 05-December-2011 kl. 23:23
Problemer med Skyrim udvikler som en grim steppebrand som Bethesda får mere end almindelig svært at stoppe. En af de største gaming sites er nu gået ind i sagen:
Vidste Bethesda om spillets problemer på PS3'eren inden release? Bemærk sætningen: "When IGN reviewed Skyrim, it's surely significant that we were given free access to the Xbox 360 and PC versions prior to launch, but had to buy a PS3 copy from retail after it was released to the world."
Panasonic TX-P50G20E (anmeldelse)|Onkyo TX-SR308B|Sony BDP-S550|PS3-Slim
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Oprettet: 20-Juli-2008
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Funktioner Funktioner   Tak (0) Tak(0)   Citér Rod83 Citér  BesvarSvar Direkte link til dette indlæg Sendt: 06-December-2011 kl. 21:30
Bethblog opdatering - den nye patch 1.3 vil IKKE indeholde en patch til PS3'erens problemer:
Updated 12/6: While the 1.2 update fixed the long-term play issues for most PS3 users, we are aware that is not the case for some. We’ve been reaching out to a number of those users to collect save games, so we can take a look at their specific issues. Right now we know it’s not one thing, but a combination of smaller ones that some folks are seeing, but others are not. Some seem to be the PS3 autosaving in the background (you can turn that off), some may be SPU AI updates, and some may relate to dynamic system memory allocation. These fixes are not in the current 1.3 update that is in final testing, but will be in future ones. We understand how frustrating it can be when your game is having issues, and we thank all of you for your continued feedback and patience. Rest assured we take your gameplay experience seriously and will continue working on this until it’s resolved.
Panasonic TX-P50G20E (anmeldelse)|Onkyo TX-SR308B|Sony BDP-S550|PS3-Slim
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Oprettet: 26-November-2006
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Funktioner Funktioner   Tak (0) Tak(0)   Citér Ukke Citér  BesvarSvar Direkte link til dette indlæg Sendt: 07-December-2011 kl. 17:54
"While the 1.2 update fixed the long-term play issues for most PS3 users, we are aware that is not the case for some."

Haha! Heeeelt sikkert. Det lugter langt væk af amatøragtig damage control. Der er ikke én eneste PS3-bruger derude, som IKKE er berørt af disse sjuskede problemer.

Bethesda har gentagne gange direkte løjet for PS3-brugerne, og det stopper så ikke her. De har smidt et ubrugeligt produkt ud på gaden.

Jeg håber de bliver sagsøgt, eller i det mindste får besked på at trække spillet tilbage. At udrette fejlene har de gang på gang bevist, at de ikke er i stand til.  

Redigeret af Ukke - 07-December-2011 kl. 18:11
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Oprettet: 10-Juli-2008
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Funktioner Funktioner   Tak (0) Tak(0)   Citér SteffenD89 Citér  BesvarSvar Direkte link til dette indlæg Sendt: 07-December-2011 kl. 22:41

Redigeret af SteffenD89 - 07-December-2011 kl. 22:42
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Oprettet: 20-Juli-2008
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Funktioner Funktioner   Tak (0) Tak(0)   Citér Rod83 Citér  BesvarSvar Direkte link til dette indlæg Sendt: 08-December-2011 kl. 09:06
Patch 1.3 er snart ude her er hvad den indeholder:
Update 1.3 for Skyrim is now available on Steam and is being submitted to Sony and Microsoft. As soon as we have more information on the update hitting PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360, we'll let everyone know. Below are the release notes for the update:

Update 1.3 Notes (all platforms unless specified)

  • General stability improvements
  • Optimize performance for Core 2 Duo CPUs (PC)
  • Fixed Radiant Story incorrectly filling certain roles
  • Fixed magic resistances not calculating properly
  • Fixed issue with placing books on bookshelves inside player purchased homes
  • Fixed dragon animation issues with saving and loading
  • Fixed Y-look input to scale correctly with framerate


Redigeret af Rod83 - 08-December-2011 kl. 09:09
Panasonic TX-P50G20E (anmeldelse)|Onkyo TX-SR308B|Sony BDP-S550|PS3-Slim
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Oprettet: 26-November-2006
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Funktioner Funktioner   Tak (0) Tak(0)   Citér Ukke Citér  BesvarSvar Direkte link til dette indlæg Sendt: 08-December-2011 kl. 22:26
Patch 1.3 løser ikke lag-problemet på PS3. Det har brugerne ovre på Bethesdas forum allerede presset dem til at indrømme.

Skyrim (PS3) = Ubrugeligt produkt.
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Oprettet: 20-Juli-2008
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Funktioner Funktioner   Tak (0) Tak(0)   Citér Rod83 Citér  BesvarSvar Direkte link til dette indlæg Sendt: 09-December-2011 kl. 21:07
Update - Patch 1.3 er forsinket (bekymrende?) til xbox360 og PS3 er først ude engang i næste uge. Citat fra Sr. Community Manager "GStaff":
It won't be over the weekend. When I have a clearer picture, I'll let you know. We're currently shooting for 1.3 to be out next week.           

Redigeret af Rod83 - 09-December-2011 kl. 21:08
Panasonic TX-P50G20E (anmeldelse)|Onkyo TX-SR308B|Sony BDP-S550|PS3-Slim
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Oprettet: 20-Juli-2008
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Funktioner Funktioner   Tak (0) Tak(0)   Citér Rod83 Citér  BesvarSvar Direkte link til dette indlæg Sendt: 15-December-2011 kl. 17:17
Update - Patch 1.3 er nu ude til Xbox360 og PS3. Download den nu fra Xbox Live og PSN. PS: Ja, denne patch fixer ikke framrate problemet på PS3 versionen.

Redigeret af Rod83 - 16-December-2011 kl. 10:17
Panasonic TX-P50G20E (anmeldelse)|Onkyo TX-SR308B|Sony BDP-S550|PS3-Slim
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