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Oprettet: 21-Januar-2006
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Direkte link til dette indlæg Sendt: 13-August-2007 kl. 21:17
Oprindeligt skrevet af azrael azrael skrev:

Selve AACS specifikationen er ellers udlagt sådan, at keys kan revokes via nettet og at alle "rettigheder" en ejer af en HD-skive (formatet er her ligegyldigt) måtte have kan ændres med tilbagevirkende kraft. Jeg mener endda at det i tidernes morgen var meningen at en Internet forbindelse var pligt iflg. AACS specifikationerne, men det er man åbenbart gået lidt væk fra igen.

Krav om aktiv internetforbindelse var under overvejelse, så vidt jeg ved, men det er droppet igen. Der er givetvis mange potentielle kunder, som ikke har internetforbindelse i deres stue, men kun i en anden ende af huset. Jeg tror at det er frygten for mistet salg, som har været motivationen for at droppe dette krav.

Til gengæld kan afspilning af nye disce tilbagekalde dine eksisterende disce via Content Revovation List...

Oprindeligt skrevet af azrael azrael skrev:

Jeg er dog sikker på, at det listes ind ad bagindgangen igen, nu hvor vi skal have web content...

Selvfølgelig kan man designe en afspiller, som skal være forbundet til internettet, og som skal checke 117 ting mod en central MPAA server i en signeret kommunikation, inden afspilning af discen påbegyndes. Men hvad skulle formålet være? Når det ikke er en del af AACS standarden, kan det ikke bruges til at forhindre kopiering eller "uautoriseret" afspilning på Linux computere. BD+ kan derimod gøre dette, hvis det ellers virker efter hensigten. Brug af Verance audio watermark vil også kunne begrænse afspilning af kopierede disce på stand-alone afpillere og HTPCere med PowerDVD.
Linux FTW, afspiller nu Blu-ray film på Ubuntu 12.04 med VLC direkte fra optisk disc.
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Matzon Se dropdown menu
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Oprettet: 28-November-2006
Sted: Denmark
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Direkte link til dette indlæg Sendt: 13-August-2007 kl. 22:02
Oprindeligt skrevet af JesperLund JesperLund skrev:

Oprindeligt skrevet af Matzon Matzon skrev:

Oprindeligt skrevet af JesperLund JesperLund skrev:


Bedre for hvem? Ting som BD+ og de kommende Verance audio watermarks i AACS (og dermed begge formater) er måske godt for filmselskaberne, men forbrugerne kan ikke bruge det til noget.

Men vi snakker ikke om forbrugerne... vi snakker om det tekniske format.

Øh, en diskussion om den teknisk bedste DRM?

Nej diskussionen handlede om hvilket format der var bedst teknisk.
Ikke noget subjektivt forbruger pjat. Bare hvilket format der har bedste specs.
Ja, BD+ og regions kodning gør ikke formatet bedre for forbrugerne, tværtimod - men det gør nu engang formatet bedre i egenskaber.
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mhelt Se dropdown menu

Oprettet: 25-April-2005
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Direkte link til dette indlæg Sendt: 13-August-2007 kl. 22:22

Faktisk handlede diskussionen vist om formatkrigen var godt eller skidt


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Oprettet: 28-November-2006
Sted: Denmark
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Direkte link til dette indlæg Sendt: 13-August-2007 kl. 23:44
ja, men som azrael skrev:
Undskyld, nu bliver jeg åbenbart nødt til at få at vide præcis hvordan blu-ray er det teknisk bedste format (udover kapaciteten på skiverne).
Og det var det jeg svarede på
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GrillBiller Se dropdown menu

Oprettet: 29-Juli-2007
Sted: Denmark
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Direkte link til dette indlæg Sendt: 13-August-2007 kl. 23:44

Når nu alle skriver om Blu rays (sarkastisk) Fantastiske BD J...


Så skal det da også lige nævnes.. at HD DVD's version hedder HDI og kan lige så meget som med BD J


HD DVDs use the HDi Interactive Format to allow interactive content to be authored for discs. HDi is based on web technologies such as HTML, XML, CSS, SMIL, and ECMAScript (JavaScript), so authoring in HDi should be a fairly easy transition for web developers. No existing DVD authoring experience is required. In contrast, Blu-ray Disc content is authored using either a scripting environment for basic content, or a Java-based platform (BD-J) for advanced content. DVD video discs utilize pre-rendered MPEG segments, selectable subtitle pictures, and simple programmatic navigation which is considerably more primitive.



(Og at  spillet Dragon Lair også er udgivet til HD DVD)

Redigeret af GrillBiller - 13-August-2007 kl. 23:45
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Oprettet: 28-November-2006
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Direkte link til dette indlæg Sendt: 14-August-2007 kl. 06:59
Er nu ikke helt sikker på at HDi er ligeså komplekst som BD-J (med de fordele og ulemper der er i det). BD-J er trodsalt en Java VM (MHP, ikke SE)
Så vidt jeg ved, er der dog masser af værktøjer til at lave HDi, mens der er en relativ stor mangel på BD-J værktøjer (eller at de er af dårlig kvalitet).

Det vil selvf. ændre sig med tiden, men det er situationen lige nu.

Redigeret af Matzon - 14-August-2007 kl. 07:00
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Oprettet: 25-April-2005
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Direkte link til dette indlæg Sendt: 14-August-2007 kl. 07:05

HDi kan _ikke_ tilbyde samme muligheder som BD-J. Se fx føromtalte Dragons lair spil der må undvære en række features på HD DVD. Men det er langt lettere at skrive til HDi end til BD-J - blandt andet på grund af bedre værktøjer, men også på grund af en stor mængde BD-afspillere med varierende specifikationer for CPU. Se fx Disneys Pirates saga. Nogle af de medfølgende BD-J spil er stort set uanvendelige på visse blu-ray maskiner. Men BD-J er uomtvisteligt den rigeste platform at udvikle til hvad features angår. Til gengæld findes der så mulighed for PIP på HD DVD i alle varianter - det bliver først obligatorisk på BD-afspillere introduceret efter oktober i år.

Redigeret af mhelt - 14-August-2007 kl. 08:53
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Oprettet: 16-August-2007
Sted: Denmark
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Direkte link til dette indlæg Sendt: 16-August-2007 kl. 14:28
vinder Blu-ray eller HD DVD..
Blu-Ray vinder !
fordi den japanske porno industri ( via taiwan) netop har valgt blu-ray..
Selv om at sony har sagt at de ikke vil have at der bliver masse kopieret
porno på deres blu-ray "masse kopierings" maskiner( i japan), har de
alligevel solgt en af slagsen til taiwan(?), der bruger enheden til at
masseproducere porno på.
Det hele bliver så "importeret" tilbage til japan..
Den amerikanske porno industri skulle have reageret positivt, og sendt en
masse af deres "produktioner" til kopiering i taiwan. Blandt andet fordi
der hersker et lignende problem i USA. Det er nemlig særdeles svært at få
kopieret "lummert" materiale der også.
At filmindustrien samtidig "sover i timen", er den lukrative "erotiske"
branche ligeglad med..
Uden at vide det, tror jeg at sony ( via deres ps3) ender med at skubbe til
overgangen fra DVD til blu-ray..( selv om at der stadig ikke er solgt så
mange enheder..
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GrillBiller Se dropdown menu

Oprettet: 29-Juli-2007
Sted: Denmark
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Direkte link til dette indlæg Sendt: 16-August-2007 kl. 18:59
Fra AVSForum:

her er lidt at tygge på:
Originally Posted by Supermans
You have 36 posts since 2005... Where have you been??? Anyways, you
must be living in dreamland for your scenario to play out. HD DVD cannot
get back on top since they are losing momentum and support from
multiple retailers and now some studio's. Soon Universal will be all that is
left in HD DVD's corner and that will be gone too if fewer and fewer stores
support HD DVD... I have both HD DVD and Blu-Ray and I understand all
HD DVD supporters frustration that will happen in the next coming
months up until Christmas. However if you go format neutral as I have,
you have nothing to worry about and you can enjoy movie's in both
camps. I just want the best quality possible and feel Blu-Ray has given
that to me while HD DVD has been struggling to with the combo's freeze-
ups. Currently my 300 HD DVD disc froze on me in CH 13 twice with the
latest firmware so I returned it and bought the Blu-Ray version. That will
be the last time I buy a combo disc...
quote off

Well just to say that I do have both, I'm just being objective.

You see, Sony has ALREADY failed. They have hoped that they would have
a blitzkrieg with HD DVD due to the fact that everyone would rush, buy
PS3, PS3 would squash HD DVD, everyone would stop supporting HD DVD
and it would be game over. That was their plan as least. That's what they
sold to studios and some companies when they started Blu Ray

Corporations as corporations naturally went with more closed format that
would allow them more control over their content, hardware and pricing.
Unlike HD DVD, Blu-Ray does equal MORE GREED and MORE CONTROL.
All technical nonsense aside.

But unfortunately that didn't play out that well for them (Sony). Of course
you will get huge numbers in favor of Blu-Ray when you have 4 million
PS3 units sold in about 6-7 months. Do these number translate into equal
lead?..not so much.

In order for us to say Blu-Ray won, we would need to see significant
hardware lead translate into proper sales RIGHT NOW...the same amount
of lead matching the numbers of players, meaning:

300k HD DVD players generate 1 million titles sale
4.5 million PS3 buyers would have to generate 15 million in sales

If this was the case, I would say,'s over..HD DVD is definitely just
postponing their death. But this is not the case. And let me just point out,
that this is the reality, it will not change, it will only get worse for PS3
crowd and Blu-Ray. Why? It's simple, if PS3 people are not generating
whopping numbers in sales for Blu-ray now, when actual game titles are
low, and "majority" of PS3 owners are buying movies, what makes you
think they will be able to generate more, when cool PS3 games start
coming out? It's completely illogical and flawed way of thinking.

Do you understand that if HD DVD sells a million units this year, be it HD
DVD AO or standalones, Sony would have to push out 15 million PS3s to
the market to match the numbers of sold titles HD DVD owners would
generate judging from what we've seen so far.

This is what everyone living on Earth instead of a fairy tale is seeing.
Sony's tactics are failing and the more time passes by, PS3 has bad sales
overall, too expensive, other companies are having second thoughts. You
can feel this in the air, because more and more companies (BD exlusive
btw) are starting to make hybrid (HD DVD capable players). Going Hybrid
is NOT good for Blu-Ray. Why you ask, because Blu-Ray only players will
still hold a premium price over hybrids or even HD DVD.

Let's say that somehow hybrid players start gaining momentum and they
get to $400 price. There's absolutely no reason for a regular J6P not to
buy an HD DVD over hybrid one. Why? Simple, if they can get a $150 or
lower HD DVD player today and watch movie in hi-def and then get a
hybrid a year from now for low price, they won't lose anything, they could
still play their HD DVD movies on hybrid drives. It's simple, low cost
approach to "I'll get that better stuff later". With this logic, HD DVD will
become a winning standard even faster.

Then there's price. You see, it's basically like this, about 10% of the US
market (consumers) is able to spend $500+ on impulse buy. Others not
so much. Over 70%, close to 80% of people right now don't even have hi-
def capability. Why? Because that's the 80% of people mass. Most people
who had some money bought PS3 or X360 with AO or whatever. That's
the upper mid and high class of people. The rest are waiting for price. It
has been a known fact that people will sacrifice many things in order to
get lower price. A long time ago, an older person told me "Nobody is too
rich to buy cheap stuff, yet they do it".

This is where HD DVD again has an upper hand, because quality wise, J6P
doesn't need to sacrifice quality, but maybe just a few specific movies
from the 3 BD exclusive studios (for long 2 of those will be exclusive is
yet to be seen). And trust me, J6P will have no problem sacrificing
Spiderman if they can get Matrix and others and have to pay $100-$150
for the experience. Do you understand what I"m getting at here?

This country's economy is made of off medium and lower medium income
people. The working class. They are the ones who count, and they are the
ones who will decide this war and the best part is, this holiday season
they are getting into the game and Blu-Ray still doesn't have a proper
price answer.

And to address all the "GOOD NEWS" Blu-Ray camp is so happy to point
out. It's ridiculous. What news exactly are we seeing that means decisive
Blu-Ray support? Blockbuster offering in-store blu-ray titles over hd dvd
when we all know that Sony paid them like they paid end cap for Target.
Plus, they are not really exclusive per-se, they still offer HD DVD.

It seems that a lot of "news" sites are generting their announcements
based on loose speculations or plain business deals that could have been
done by HD DVD camp as well. Laughable.

Nothing so far has happened that should make HD DVD worry. Absolutely
nothing. Blockbuster just lost a huge chunk of business by limiting in-
store availability for BD only titles. I mean, you have to be stupid in order
to just say I'll go with this even though I could be still making a decent
amount of money from the other guys too. This would be stupid, again,
unless Sony did pay them.

You see, this is not conspiracy theory. It just takes little common sense to
see that Sony is paying everything through the nose. Websites, authors,
bloggers, retail chains etc to promote Blu-Ray as superior format. I have
to admire their marketing depts. Trust me, I know this as I built one of
their Blu-Ray sites and I know their approach.

Knowing this, I expressed my concernes about HD DVD Group not being
able to consolidate their marketing dollars and approach HD DVD
promotion in more aggresive way. This and only this is the reason why we
are seeing this FUD spreading about Sony this and Sony that, retail chain
end caps being flooded by Sony and BLu-Ray promotional items etc etc
and not so much from HD DVD Group. It's not because Blu-Ray is
winning, it's because everyone is getting paid to promote it.
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Oprettet: 25-April-2005
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Point: 220
Direkte link til dette indlæg Sendt: 16-August-2007 kl. 19:53

Ja, den gang ævl taler for sig selv - trist at forummet skal belemres med sådan en gang vrøvl.

Sony, i kan bare sende mig en PM så får I oplysninger om hvor checken skal sendes hen.




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