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Oppo BDP-103EU tråden, ny firmware

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Oprettet: 13-Juni-2008
Sted: Denmark
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Funktioner Funktioner   Tak (0) Tak(0)   Citér DBear Citér  BesvarSvar Direkte link til dette indlæg Sendt: 17-Maj-2013 kl. 15:55
Oprindeligt skrevet af kanvas kanvas skrev:

Oprindeligt skrevet af DBear DBear skrev:

Øv jeg er nu ude for at når jeg går ud NetFlix såe går min OPPO i sort og fryser helt, det eneste jeg kan gøre at holde on/off nede længe nok til den slukker :-(

Se side 14. 5. indlæg. Det er rapporteret til Oppo og de kigger på sagen.
Flere fra det amerikanske AVS FORUM har meldt om det samme problem.

oKAJ det havde jeg ikke set :-| mener med sikkerhed at det problem havde jeg ikke før den sidste firmware kom ud.
Men tak for respons...

Redigeret af DBear - 17-Maj-2013 kl. 15:55
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Oprettet: 02-September-2009
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Funktioner Funktioner   Tak (0) Tak(0)   Citér thxtex Citér  BesvarSvar Direkte link til dette indlæg Sendt: 31-Maj-2013 kl. 10:14
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Oprettet: 12-Juli-2006
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Funktioner Funktioner   Tak (0) Tak(0)   Citér Hother Citér  BesvarSvar Direkte link til dette indlæg Sendt: 29-Juli-2013 kl. 20:00
Så er der minsandten ny F/W til BDP-103 og 105.

Release date: July 29, 2013  

 Click to download USB Update - Firmware BDP10xEU-58-0719

Main Version: BDP10XEU-58-0719
Loader Version: 6U0900 or 7B1200 (BDP-103EU), 7B1200 (BDP-105EU)
Sub Version: MCU103-05-0916 (BDP-103EU), MCU105-04-1113 (BDP-105EU)

To check your players current firmware version:

Press Set-up on the remote or select Set-up from the Home Screen > Device Set-up > Firmware Information. Note all parts must match, main, loader and sub version.

Note: Upon player restart after update you will have the option to perform a factory reset. Please select this option, or your player will not work as intended.

Release Notes:

This release is for the OPPO BDP-103EU and BDP-105EU Blu-ray Disc players.

Comparing to version BDP10X-52-0522B, the major changes included in this version are:

1.  Added iPlayer (for UK only)

2.  Resolved an issue where the player would slow down and sometimes freeze entirely when navigating files on USB connected hard drives. Several customers have reported this issue with their Western Digital external hard drives, they had to power down the player then power it back on to restore its performance. This issue has been resolved.

3.  Resolved an issue where a loud popping noise could be heard at the end of playing some WAV, MP3 and DSD music tracks.

4.  Resolved an issue where accepting a cable television signal through the HDMI inputs might result in a black screen. Customers reported that if they kept changing the TV channels using the cable remote, sometimes they would only see a black screen on the TV even though the audio was still ok. In order to restore the video they had to force a HDMI handshake (changing the input source, hot-plug the HDMI cable, etc.).

5.  Resolved a compatibility issue with certain DSD files.

6.  Added support for the ALAC (Apple Lossless Audio Codec) audio format.

7.  Added support for briefly displaying the current audio information on the player's front panel when switching audio tracks. The audio information is displayed as "Language, Sample rate, Number of channels", such as "ENG 192/5.1". If no language information is available, it will be displayed as "AUD, Sample rate, Number of channels".

8.  Added support for directly switching the input source by pressing the INPUT button followed by a numerical button, e.g., "1" for BLU-RAY PLAYER, "2" for HDMI/MHL-IN FRONT, etc.

9.  General disc compatibility improvements based on recent and upcoming Blu-ray releases as well as user-submitted disc samples.
Additional changes:              
             1.   Added support for displaying cover art of CUE files.
             2.   Added support for adjusting subtitle size and colour.
             3.   Expand the AV sync range(-200ms to 200ms).
             4.   Added support for CD Track list. 
             5.   Resolved an issue where the voice would break when playing DSF or DFF
             6.   Added support for NFS.

All features and improvements of the previous firmware are also included in this version.

Redigeret af Hother - 29-Juli-2013 kl. 20:02
B&W Head phones, og Panasonic DP-UB9000- Panasonic Lumix MSC-FZ2000,Panasonic 65HZ2000 og Yamaha NS-SW050. BUCHARDT S300 MKII. Marantz Melody MCR612 media receiver. På vej Marantz HD-AMP1.
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Oprettet: 02-September-2009
Sted: Denmark
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Point: 329
Funktioner Funktioner   Tak (0) Tak(0)   Citér thxtex Citér  BesvarSvar Direkte link til dette indlæg Sendt: 17-August-2013 kl. 13:42
Ny beta firmware
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Oprettet: 03-Februar-2011
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Funktioner Funktioner   Tak (0) Tak(0)   Citér nghngh Citér  BesvarSvar Direkte link til dette indlæg Sendt: 11-Oktober-2013 kl. 14:23
Vi bruger 103'eren til 2 ting, fruen til DVD'er og jeg som Netværksafspiller for vores Flac filer, der ligger på PC'en samt som radio med TDC Play på mobiltelefonen (Android).

I den forbindelse er det jo smart, at man kan "vælge afspiller" i TDC Play app'en så signalet går til 103'eren istedet for telefonen.

Samme funktionalitet kan app'en

udføre for den musik man har liggende på PC'en, og det er meget nemmere at vælge musik på  telefonen, ende at sidde med 103'erens fjernbetjening, tændt TV og   trykke sig gennem hele samlingen...

Nogen der kender mulighed for på tilsvarende måde at sende Spotify direkte fra telefonen til
Oppo'en ?

Ellers overlever vi jo nok at slutte den til HDML indgangen på fronten,men "mere vil have mere" :-)
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Oprettet: 06-Februar-2007
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Funktioner Funktioner   Tak (0) Tak(0)   Citér Torben Rasmussen Citér  BesvarSvar Direkte link til dette indlæg Sendt: 11-Oktober-2013 kl. 15:01
For at kunne sende musik afsted, så skal du jo bruge "Push to" funktionen. Dvs. Spotify skal understøtte dette i deres App, eller også skal der integreres "Spotify connect" i Oppo'en.
FlatpanelsDK - Alt om fladskærms-tv, mediebokse og tv-markedet
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Oprettet: 03-Februar-2011
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Funktioner Funktioner   Tak (0) Tak(0)   Citér nghngh Citér  BesvarSvar Direkte link til dette indlæg Sendt: 11-Oktober-2013 kl. 21:16
Tak.... ingen af delene ser ud til at være mulige i øjeblikket, måske det kommer.
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Oprettet: 03-Februar-2011
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Funktioner Funktioner   Tak (0) Tak(0)   Citér nghngh Citér  BesvarSvar Direkte link til dette indlæg Sendt: 28-November-2013 kl. 11:19
Hvilket leder til næste spørgesmål, er der nogen med der har erfaring med Roku Streaming stick,Oppo'en & Spotify ?

Redigeret af nghngh - 28-November-2013 kl. 11:19
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Oprettet: 19-September-2005
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Funktioner Funktioner   Tak (0) Tak(0)   Citér jugglerq Citér  BesvarSvar Direkte link til dette indlæg Sendt: 08-December-2013 kl. 18:44
Så er der ny Firmware version BDP10XEU-67-1204
jeg har opdateret over nettet uden problemer.

Release Notes:
1.      This Official firmware is designed to work with new versions of Apple iOS and Android      media control applications, which add new features like SMB access,
     album art display, media category support, and the ability to share information to      mainstream social network websites. The MediaControlHD V2.0.2 (for iPad
     and iPad mini) is already in the App Store, and another version for the iPhone, as well      as a corresponding Android app, will be available shortly.

2.      Resolved a compatibility issue with JRiver Media Center software. Customers reported      that after installing the latest Public Beta firmware BDP10X-67-
     1120B, they could no longer see the JRiver's DLNA server in the list of My Network. This      issue has been resolved in the official release.

3.      Resolved a channel mapping error in the DSD file playback, which only happened on      BDP-105EU players. Customers reported that if they set the "Stereo Signal"
     to "Front Left/Right", switched off the player then switched it on again, and played 2-     channel DSD files from external storage, the Front Left channel sound
     could also be heard from the Surround Right output. This issue has been resolved in      the release.

4.      Added support for MKV files with PGS subtitles.

5.      Added Zoom functionality to video content sent through the HDMI IN ports.

6.      Upgraded "YouTube" application.

7.      Resolved a frame rate decoding error for 24 Hz video files. Customers reported that      after upgrading to the BDP10X-58-0917 firmware, many MKV, M2TS and TS
     files which were encoded as 23.976 Hz were decoded as 29.970 Hz. This issue has been      resolved.

8.      Added the "Power On Volume" and "Maximum Volume" selections for the Multi-     channel and the Stereo (BDP-105EU only) audio outputs. Both selections are
     available at the Setup Menu -> Audio Processing.

9.      Added the "Power On Input" selection which allows the customer to decide which      input source should be used when the player powers on. This selection is
     available at the Setup Menu -> Playback Setup.

10. Added the "Settings Management" selection which allows the customer to backup or      restore the player’s settings. This selection is available at the Setup
     Menu -> Device Setup. A USB flash drive is required for this purpose, and the backup      file is encrypted to only allow access from OPPO Technical Support.

11.      Added the “4Kx2K Output” selection to Setup Menu -> Video Setup with two settings:      “Auto” and “Forced”. The “Auto” setting will upscale 24 Hz
     content to 4K if the connected display supports a 4K input. The “Forced” setting will      output a 4K signal regardless of whether or not the player detects a
     4K display and irrespective of the original source format.

12.      Added the "Auto" mode when choosing the SACD output audio format. This mode is      available at the Setup Menu -> Audio Format Setup -> SACD Output.

13.      Added support for automatic file and folder sorting when accessing SMB servers. The      files and folders are now sorted in alphabetic order.

14.      Improved support for CUE playlists. Now, a single CUE file can point to multiple music      files in the same folder.

15.      Resolved a playback issue with several DVD-Audio discs. Customers reported that     after upgrading to the BDP10X-58-0917 firmware, some DVD-Audio discs
     would play for a few seconds then the player was locked up, and all you heard was      white noise. Samples include “Elvis: 30 #1 Hits”, “Bruckner: Symphony
     No. 7”, “Dream Theater”, “Nightwish: Once”, as well as discs self-authorised using “HD-     Audio Solo Ultra” program.

16.      Resolved an incorrect audio Downmix issue with the Stereo audio outputs (BDP-105EU      only). Customers reported that after setting "Stereo Signal" to "Front     
     Left/Right", they could hear surround channel audio from the dedicated Stereo audio      outputs. This issue has been resolved.

17.      Resolved a visible streaking issue observed on the BDP-103D player. Customers      reported that after turning on the Darbee processing, they could see
     streaks or stripes in the background details, which became more obvious after      increasing the Darbee level or switching to Full-Pop mode. This issue has been
     resolved in the official release.

18.      Resolved a multi-channel DSD support issue when using Dual Display mode.      Customers reported that if they connected the HDMI 1 Out to a TV and the HDMI 2
     Out to a DSD-capable receiver, the receiver could only recognise the Front Left and      Front Right channels even if the players were reading a multi-channel
     SACD. This issue has been resolved.

19.      For the BDP-103D player, this firmware added three commands (QDB, SDB and DRB) to      the RS-232 protocol for Darbee control. It also provided finer control
     over the Darbee level adjustment (in 1% increments).

20.      Added an experimental "Gapless Playback" feature. Currently, this feature only works      for WAV and APE music files, and can be enabled in the music file
     navigation interface by pressing the OPTION button and then selecting the "Gapless      Playback" option. In Gapless Playback mode, you may use buttons like
     PAUSE, PLAY, STOP, NEXT and PREV, but not REV and FWD. This feature is still under      development and may be improved in future firmware releases.

21.      Resolved a compatibility issue with some DVD/BD blank discs. Customers reported      that their self-burnt DVD or BD discs failed to load and play on the OPPO
     players. Samples include Verbatim DVD+R DL 8.5G and BD-R DL 50GB blank discs. This      firmware upgraded the software driver for the disc loader and resolved
     this issue.

22.      General disc compatibility improvements based on recent and upcoming Blu-ray      releases as well as user-submitted disc samples, sample title includes "The
     Longest Day (Blu-ray, 2012)".

All features and improvements of the previous firmware are also included in this version.

Redigeret af jugglerq - 08-December-2013 kl. 18:49
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Oprettet: 12-Juli-2006
Sted: Denmark
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Funktioner Funktioner   Tak (0) Tak(0)   Citér Hother Citér  BesvarSvar Direkte link til dette indlæg Sendt: 08-December-2013 kl. 19:48
Hold da op Kim, det var da noget af en opdatering. Hilsener fra Malta.
B&W Head phones, og Panasonic DP-UB9000- Panasonic Lumix MSC-FZ2000,Panasonic 65HZ2000 og Yamaha NS-SW050. BUCHARDT S300 MKII. Marantz Melody MCR612 media receiver. På vej Marantz HD-AMP1.
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Oprettet: 19-Juni-2006
Sted: Holbæk
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Funktioner Funktioner   Tak (0) Tak(0)   Citér kfcofir Citér  BesvarSvar Direkte link til dette indlæg Sendt: 03-Januar-2014 kl. 15:59
Ny Beta ude ..



Release date:  2nd January 2014

Click to download - USB Update - Firmware BDP10XEU-68-1225B

Main Version:    BDP10XEU-68-1225B
Loader Version: 6U1000 or 7B1300 (BDP-103EU), 7B1300 (BDP-105EU, BDP-103D)
Sub Version:   MCU103-05-0916 (BDP-103EU)
     MCU105-04-1113 (BDP-105EU)
  MCU13D-01-0618 (BDP-103D), DB10X 131030 (BDP-103D)


Comparing to the previous official release version BDP10XEU-67-1204, the major changes included in this version are:

This release is for the OPPO BDP-103EU, BDP-105EU and BDP-103D Blu-ray Disc players.

Special Notice:
Even though this firmware provides functionality similar to a pre-amplifier, we recommend that you use caution when connecting the Multi-channel or Stereo audio outputs directly to your amplifier and speakers.

Comparing to the previous official release version BDP10XEU-67-1204, the major changes included in this version are:

1.Improved Gapless Playback performance and resolved several issues involving Gapless Player, such as the track title not getting refreshed in the Now Playing interface, and the player becoming unresponsive when trying to access a disc in the tray without stopping the currently ongoing Gapless Playback.

2.Improved HDMI handshake performance for the HDMI input ports.

3.Resolved the Wi-Fi connection failure with access points or routers using WEP security. This error was introduced by 67-1204 firmware and this version corrects it.

4.Resolved an audio truncation issue occurring with several DVD-Audio discs. Customers reported that the first note or two was cut off between track changes, and when the PREV button was used to restart the current track. Sample discs included "Queen: A Night At The Opera", "Buena Vista Social Club", "Beatles: Love" and "R.E.M.: New Adventures in Hi-Fi". This error was introduced by 67-1204 firmware and this version corrects it.

5.Resolved the playback failure with certain customer-encoded audio files in WAV, FLAC and AIFF formats. Symptoms included files being skipped, files being played with static noise, and files causing the player to freeze. The 67-1204 firmware adds more support to meta data tags in these files but encounters this problem if the meta data tags are in non-standard location. This version further improves the support for meta data tags and corrects the problem.

All features and improvements of the previous firmware are also included in this version.
En masse HiFi ( Bip biiiip) jeg ikke har tid til at sætte mig ind i :O(
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Oprettet: 03-November-2005
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Funktioner Funktioner   Tak (0) Tak(0)   Citér kanvas Citér  BesvarSvar Direkte link til dette indlæg Sendt: 31-Januar-2014 kl. 12:02
Læs lige dette her:

Det gælder  desværre også for Oppo BDP-103/105.
Kan kun vise gule undertekster efter opdatering hos Netflix Dead

Redigeret af kanvas - 31-Januar-2014 kl. 12:53
Yamaha CX-A5100/MX-A5000, Accuphase P-500L, JBL S4700, JBL LS Center, JBL Control X, Velodyne SPL 1200 ultra, Oppo UDP-203 + Denon 3910 SDI, DVDO VP50, JVCDLA-X7900, Lissau 96" Tab-Tension.

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