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Emne lukketSå det Testet Bluray er bedre i dyre Afsp

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Oprettet: 08-August-2007
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Direkte link til dette indlæg Emne: Så det Testet Bluray er bedre i dyre Afsp
    Sendt: 23-December-2008 kl. 20:18
Så er det testet i en stor test med mange Maskiner ps3 ,  Denon osv...

Her er videoen hvor de fortæller om det...

De siger bland andet af det er forbedringer imellem de billigste afspiller og op til midt i pris lejet, både på billed og lyd.....!

test list :

Thought I'd better list the players we were testing with model numbers :-

Bush BD01
Sony S350
Sony PS3
Pioneer 51FD
Denon 1800BD
Pioneer LX71
Denon 2500BT
Denon 3800BD

Desvære hade de ikke panasonic med

This discussion is running in the Denon 2500 and 3800 so I thought it may be worth starting a new thread for people who maybe interested but are not following the Denon thread. These were my findings as reported in the Denon thread :-

Morning Guys,

Sitting here bleary eyed after getting to bed at 1am after the shootout and up again at 5am for work, the things we do for our love of AV

First of I'd like to say it was great to meet Ian and Phil, be gentle with the editing please phil, I'm sitting here now not so tired as last night thinking what I should have said instead of what came out. Also a big thanks to Tony and Steve at TLC for giving up their time and letting us loose with so many players, I don't think there are too many places were you could get this opportunity and like Ian mentioned, great hospitality.

So on with the shootout, I'd like to say that I went into this shootout as a consumer with no real technical knowledge, I judged my findings on quite simply what I was seeing, I'm in the market for a standalone player after retiring my PS3 afew months back once reports starting surfacing that it wasn't the pinnacle in picture quality. Basically the shoot out consisted of testing the 8 players with scenes 2 and 3 from I Robot, listening through the Pioneer Susano and viewing on a Pioneer KRP-600M ISF Calibrated, so in theory the differences we'd see would be due to the players solely.

I wrote loads of notes but I've left them at home so this is written from memory but we started of with the Bush and initially we were very impressed, considering this is only around £100 it's amazing value and probably what the Blu Ray market needs to help make it mass market, It produced really good fine detail but seemed to lack shadow detail and any real depth to the overall picture, This really showed up as we were viewing it on a 60" but if used on a smaller screen I think most people would be very impressed.

Next up was the Sony 350, With this we all found that the picture just seemed really soft, it just seemed to lack detail and a certain sharpness to the image that you'd expect from Blu Ray, we didn't have time to test Standard Def but it would have been interesting to see how my Oppo would have compared on the same scenes in SD. Again for the money it does a reasonable job and with the offers flying around at the moment its hard to not recommend to people who are not chasing the ultimate picture.

Now the infamous PS3, this I was really looking forward too, was it just average at Blu Ray has had been reported lately, well from what I saw I have to say yes, very much so. There is no denying as a one box hub, ie BD palyer, Games console, Media server etc its an amazing piece of kit, but last night we were looking solely at picture quality and from what I saw I was quite suprised, it really lacked the fine detail, to quite a shocking extent and compared to the Denons it really lacked any depth, it seemed to have no real dynamic range with shadow detail also suffering. Also on the PS3 we noticed a real difference on the audio side, I found that it lacked any real punch or depth, whether it was right or wrong I'm not qualified to say but it was definately different and I found it not as pleasing.

Next we tried the denon 1800, straight away it was plain to see that we were entering a totally different league, which you would hope when jumping up in price that much, there was excellent fine and shadow detail, real depth to the picture, smooth motion and it produced excellent sound, the 1800 is an excellent performer.

Then onto the 2500, at first we struggled to see much difference to the 1800 but after looking very hard you could see slightly more detail, whether at normal viewing distance this would be apparent I don't know but it was there and for me as I have a LX81 amp then the 2500 would be fine as I could bitstream straight to the amp, again another star performer.

Next up was the 3800, we were all looking forward to seeing this as at around £1500 it's a significant price hike to anything else we'd seen and personally I was interested to see if the Realta HQV processing would alter things significantly. As soon as the 20th Century Fox logo appeared it was obvious that there was a 3d effect we hadn't seen before and the audio again seemed a step up, which personally I don't understand as other than the PS3 all the players were bitstreaming to the Susano and letting the amp do the work, I'm sure someone who is more technical than me can describe why this was the case. Anyway the 3800 really did offer a superb picture, there was amazing depth and clarity to the image which we hadn't seen before, excellent fine detail retrieval and brilliant detail from the dark areas, on the cheaper players the shadows were blocks of black with no detail but when going up the price range you could see more and more detail becomming apparent which I guess all add to help create the pop to the image, whether this overall increase in picture and sound quality to the 2500 is worth twice the price each individual would have to decide after a demo but the differences are definately there.

Finally after hours of watching will Smith wake up we tried the Pioneer LX51 and 71, Basically we couldn't see any real difference between these 2 players which begs the question were does your extra money go on the 71, maybe it will be in the upscaling of SD, maybe the audio components are of a better quality, obviously you get more bling on the 71 with gold plated connectors and silver trim but on picture quality alone they look identical, so how did they compare to the Denons, Well I'm a bit of a Pioneer fan but I have to say I definately prefer the image the Denon produces, even on the 1800 which I guess is their nearest competitor, at first we thought the Pioneers were producing better shadow detail but when going onto view further scenes I noticed the image looked brighter, slightly bleeched as if the contrast had been whacked up, Phil explained to me that he thought the Gamma looked slightly out, either way there is definately a difference and I found the Denons produced a more natural looking picture, Saying that the Pioneers were still in a different class to the budget players in detail levels and again offered that 3d image that the budgets couldn't produce, also the Pioneers could quite match the punchy sound of the Denons, well the 3800 at least.

So to sum up I think it went as I thought it would, you do get what you pay for but that there now is a player for everyones budget which has got to be great for Blu Ray as a product. I think the biggest shock was just how good the Bush was as none of us expected much and personally just how bad the PS3 was at fine detail. For me I'll be checking out the Pioneer LX91 hopefully over the weeekend which I really want to be amazing as it will intergrate into my setup perfectly, but after last night it really has got a lot to prove to knock off the 3800 from the top of the Blu Ray hill.

Hope I haven't rambled on too long, thanks again to everyone involved last night for giving me the oppotunity to see for myself that not all Blu Ray players are the same, I don't know how they do it but there really is significant differences between all the players on both the picture and audio front, I guess the only way to know what is right for you is to audition the different players for yourself and make your own mind up, but at the moment a 3800 will be joining my setup.


Redigeret af henrik-t - 23-December-2008 kl. 20:26
+100HD Film
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Oprettet: 08-August-2007
Sted: Denmark
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Direkte link til dette indlæg Sendt: 23-December-2008 kl. 23:13
Hmm ingen replys.....
+100HD Film
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Oprettet: 18-Januar-2008
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Direkte link til dette indlæg Sendt: 23-December-2008 kl. 23:41
Spændene læsning. Er PS3-en virkelig så dårlig?

Nu tester de jo dette på Pioneer's 60" TV. Mon disse detaljer vil være ligeså tydelige på 42" tv?
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Oprettet: 25-Oktober-2004
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Direkte link til dette indlæg Sendt: 23-December-2008 kl. 23:42

Oprindeligt skrevet af henrik-t henrik-t skrev:

Hmm ingen replys.....

Der er jo lidt fare for at starte en religionskrig - og "testen" er jo tilsyneladende ret subjektivt foretaget med afspillere der ikke nødvendigvis er justeret (eller sågar; kalibreret) optimalt.

Når det så er sagt, så er jeg ret enig i hans betragtning omkring Denon afspillerne, hvilket også er hvorfor jeg har en 3800...

Jeg har dog kun prøvet en Samsung 1500 og en PS3 udover den. De var begge glimrende, men kunne ikke matche hverken billede eller lyd på 3800'eren...

Samsung 52M87, H3126 | Denon DVD-3800BD (kodefri), AVR-4308 | Marantz SA-11S2 | Zune 80GB, ZuneHD 32GB
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Oprettet: 12-Juli-2006
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Direkte link til dette indlæg Sendt: 24-December-2008 kl. 00:07

Oprindeligt skrevet af henrik-t henrik-t skrev:

Hmm ingen replys.....

Jo vist er der reply´s

Jeg har bare ville tænke over hvad man egentlig skrev i den sammenligningstest. Det undre mig at man ikke sidestiller LX71 og FD51, når man nu billed- og lydmæssigt siger at de er ens, hvad de langt hen ad vejen også er. Så vidt jeg er blevet informeret er der forskel i kvaliteten af drevet, hvilket i forhold til mine egne observationer mellem de to afspillere på mit Pio TV, muligvis er årsagen til, at LX71 levere en smule bedre DVD-afspilning. På BD siden er de ret ens. Det samme på lydsiden.

Så undre det mig også, at man prioritere Denon BT2500 over Pioneer på den måde at forstå, at for at man egtentlig kan får det fulde udbytte af Denon´en simpelthen er nødt til ar tilslutte afspilleren en ret så highend receiver. Og alligevel er Denon en dårligere DVD afspiller end LX71. Det bekræftes i øvrigt af Lars´ anmeldelse af Denon BT2500.

At den store Denon er superb undre mig ikke. Det skal den simpelhen være til den pris

Til gengæld er jeg glad for, at man understreger forskellen i både billed og lydkvalitet. Sidstnævnte har jeg nemlig ind i mellem fået på hatten over i mine anmeldelser

Redigeret af Hother - 24-December-2008 kl. 00:15
B&W Head phones, og Panasonic DP-UB9000- Panasonic Lumix MSC-FZ2000,Panasonic 65HZ2000 og Yamaha NS-SW050. BUCHARDT S300 MKII. Marantz Melody MCR612 media receiver. På vej Marantz HD-AMP1.
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Oprettet: 01-Februar-2008
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Direkte link til dette indlæg Sendt: 24-December-2008 kl. 01:09
Glæder mig selv til at prøve et par stykker af dem han har testet
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Oprettet: 24-Marts-2005
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Direkte link til dette indlæg Sendt: 24-December-2008 kl. 08:24

Prøv og lav den samme test på et føtex tv eller en 37 tommer uanset mærke. så vil forskellen være meget mindre. Jo større og bedre skærm
man har, jo bedre afspiller kan man købe. Hvis man har et 32 tommer, så
vil det være pip og købe en denon Denon 3800BD til 14500 kr.


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Oprettet: 15-September-2007
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Direkte link til dette indlæg Sendt: 24-December-2008 kl. 09:00
Oprindeligt skrevet af xcardman xcardman skrev:

Prøv og lav den samme test på et føtex tv eller en 37 tommer uanset mærke. så vil forskellen være meget mindre. Jo større og bedre skærm
man har, jo bedre afspiller kan man købe. Hvis man har et 32 tommer, så
vil det være pip og købe en denon Denon 3800BD til 14500 kr. 

Helt enig!

Bortset fra det, så underbygger det bare påstanden om, at fordi det er digitalt, overført med HDMI og i 1080p - så er det IKKE ens betydende med at det er perfekt.
Begrænsningen og fejl kan stadig ske, selvom det jo burde være idiotsikret...

De bedste hilsner

B&O Beogram 4500, Oppo BDP-103, Pass Labs INT30A, Pioneer 500M, ProAc D18 & Sonos
ATV2 (jailbreak + aTV Flash)

Atlas Cables

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Oprettet: 09-Februar-2006
Sted: Danmark
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Direkte link til dette indlæg Sendt: 24-December-2008 kl. 09:03
Oprindeligt skrevet af Asklepios Asklepios skrev:

Oprindeligt skrevet af xcardman xcardman skrev:

Prøv og lav den samme test på et føtex tv eller en 37 tommer uanset mærke. så vil forskellen være meget mindre. Jo større og bedre skærm man har, jo bedre afspiller kan man købe. Hvis man
har et 32 tommer, så vil det være pip og købe en denon Denon 3800BD til 14500 kr. 

Helt enig!Bortset fra det, så underbygger det bare påstanden om, at fordi det er digitalt, overført
med HDMI og i 1080p - så er det IKKE ens betydende med at det er perfekt.

Nu sker der jo også noget med billedet inden det overføres til skærmen.
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Oprettet: 15-September-2007
Sted: Denmark
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Direkte link til dette indlæg Sendt: 24-December-2008 kl. 09:11
Præcis, men hvis du spørger mange inde på div. foraer, så er de ganske uenige i det.
Et 1080p signal kan kun læses på een måde, den rigtige, og sådan er det bare! Basta!
De bedste hilsner

B&O Beogram 4500, Oppo BDP-103, Pass Labs INT30A, Pioneer 500M, ProAc D18 & Sonos
ATV2 (jailbreak + aTV Flash)

Atlas Cables

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Oprettet: 12-Juli-2006
Sted: Denmark
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Direkte link til dette indlæg Sendt: 24-December-2008 kl. 09:15

Oprindeligt skrevet af Asklepios Asklepios skrev:

Præcis, men hvis du spørger mange inde på div. foraer, så er de ganske uenige i det.
Et 1080p signal kan kun læses på een måde, den rigtige, og sådan er det bare! Basta!

Just my pointe

B&W Head phones, og Panasonic DP-UB9000- Panasonic Lumix MSC-FZ2000,Panasonic 65HZ2000 og Yamaha NS-SW050. BUCHARDT S300 MKII. Marantz Melody MCR612 media receiver. På vej Marantz HD-AMP1.
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Oprettet: 24-Marts-2005
Sted: Denmark
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Direkte link til dette indlæg Sendt: 24-December-2008 kl. 09:25
Men hvor stor forskel kan der så være på lyden, hvis man bruger bitstream (HD formater). det udelukker så lige en ps3(PCM).
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