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Playstation 4: THIEF til next-gen

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Oprettet: 26-November-2006
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Funktioner Funktioner   Tak (0) Tak(0)   Citér Ukke Citér  BesvarSvar Direkte link til dette indlæg Emne: Playstation 4: THIEF til next-gen
    Sendt: 18-Marts-2013 kl. 15:53
Jeg forstår stadig ikke, hvordan jeg har kunnet forbigå Thief-serien. Det er bare et af de spil, som jeg på uforklarligvis aldrig har spillet, men kun læst om.
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Oprettet: 10-Juli-2008
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Funktioner Funktioner   Tak (0) Tak(0)   Citér SteffenD89 Citér  BesvarSvar Direkte link til dette indlæg Sendt: 05-Marts-2013 kl. 17:30

Originally Posted by GameInformer:
Eidos Montreal has been working for years to reboot the classic stealth series Thief, and the fruits of its labor will finally be revealed in issue 240 of Game Informer Magazine.

Our April cover story is a world-exclusive look at this next-generation stealth title. Series hero Garrett returns to the Gothic, industrial metropolis known simply as the City to steal any and everything that will make him richer. Unfortunately, the City is broiling with social tension as it is ravaged by a plague and lorded over by a political tyrant known as the Baron. In order to survive his adventures, Garrett will have to pay attention to his environment and make use of the may possible paths through each of the game's levels.

Square Enix plans to release Thief for PS4, PC, and other next-gen platforms sometime in 2014. Check out our coverage trailer for a taste of all the content you can look forward to absorbing over the next month.

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Also in the issue, we take a look at Sony's PlayStation 4 as well as Bungie's follow up to Halo, a new sci-fi series called Destiny. We also research the harsh realities of mobile development and learn about the challenges small teams face when making a game. Ubisoft let us check out its new pirate game, Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag. We poke fun at the entire industry with our annual Game Infarcer feature, and then take an exclusive look at Trion Worlds and Syfy's MMO/TV show experiment Defiance. It's a lot of content, but don't forget to check out our classic feature on Pitfall, or our previews of The Last of Us, Remember Me, and Grid 2. It's a meaty issue; you're welcome.

Print subscribers should start seeing their April issues in the next two weeks. If you can't wait that long, you can subscribe to our digital issue – which can be accessed by subscribers via your web browser, iPad, or Android devices around 2 p.m. Central Time. Check our Twitter feed to find out the moment the digital edition of our April book goes live.

If you aren't yet a digital subscriber, you can convert your print subscription here or start a new subscription here. You can also purchase individual issues or subscribe via the appropriate apps. If you prefer a physical copy of the magazine, contact

Click the banner below to go to our Thief hub, where you'll find additional exclusive content throughout the month.

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Oprettet: 10-Juli-2008
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Funktioner Funktioner   Tak (0) Tak(0)   Citér SteffenD89 Citér  BesvarSvar Direkte link til dette indlæg Sendt: 04-Marts-2013 kl. 12:41
Jeg har taget mig friheden at låne det her fra tråden på Neogaf:



Judging from the hour-long presentation of slides, trailers and gameplay we were shown in New York City last week, Black Flag looks like a spin-off game. It's an open-world pirate simulator, a marked departure from the more narratively linear Assassin's Creed games that came before it.

Black Flag appears to be a hybrid of the series' more charismatic early-Ezio era set within a truly open world of land and sea, on a scale reminiscent of The Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker.

So far, it's sounding like Ubisoft is working on improving the formula and I'm definitely interested with IV, especially if the seamless and emergent nature they're striving for at least matches what Far Cry 3 pulled off.

One hopes Black Flag can meet the hype, but this far out you never know. Could be great. Could be a mess. (Could write that line for any preview.) But at least Ubisoft's developer armies spend a couple of years on each of these Assassin's Creed games. At least they never skimp on content. At least they typically go somewhere new and succeed or struggle spectacularly.

Pirates? It's an odd fit for this series.

An open-word naval adventure done by the kind of international mega-team that makes Assassin's Creed games? Sure. That's exciting enough.

Exploration, an open world and a wider variety of tasks and freedom in which to engage in those tasks are all key to Ubisoft here – and in concept, it’s all pretty damn exciting. Freedom is ‘Wind Waker’s’ greatest asset, and I wiled away many hours on ‘Pirates!’ trading spices and robbing merchants – so combining the two with the quality Assassin’s Creed action excites me immensely.

There’s only so much you can glean about a game like this without going hands-on – and so though seeing the concepts behind Assassin’s Creed IV: Black Flag has helped to rekindle the flame where the third entry dulled it, I’ll withhold full judgement until I actually get to play it. For now, though? This is certainly one to watch.

Assassin’s Creed has long had grand ambitions, but those same narrative and game design risks have sometimes proven the series’ greatest weakness. Those bold desires, combined with the speed at which AC iterations are released, has resulted in a variety of flaws that have remained for years. But now, as this sixth installment begins to make the transition between the existing generation (Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, Wii U, PC) and the next (so far PlayStation 4 is confirmed), Ubisoft’s designs seem to be getting a new lease on life – a new freedom to think bigger than ever.

Black Flag, if Ubisoft’s intentions come to life, seems poised to address some of those problems. The team seems genuinely interested in not only providing a new, naval-based, open world experience, but finding a better lead character, and fixing some of the faulty missions and gameplay systems from the past. There is plenty more to learn about the game, and plenty to play, but if nothing else, it’s genuinely exciting to see Assassin’s Creed head in this direction.
-only short gameplay was shown
-new team
-development began in the summer of 2011
-written by the scriptwriter of Revelations
-no campaign co-op
-player will be an employee of Abstergo Entertainment, a subsidiary of Abstergo Industries
-no Desmond, but other characters will return
-something similar to the brotherhood of assassins will be back
-setting includes Cuba, Bahamas, Nassau and south Florida
-game includes jungles, temples, Mayan ruins, underwater ship wrecks and more
-a lot of work is put in improving stealth
-ocean combat and exploration center of the game
-Player can use a spyclass to spot ships with an overlay explaining weapons, treasure etc 
-swimming and underwater combat is in
-hunting whales is possible
-no carefully crafted subtext or political intrigue
-Templars will be back
-enemy will be a collective of rival pirates
-certain islands will be difficult to access at the beginning of the game
-more tall buildings than in AC3

- Kenway is a member of the assassins, but holds most allegence to himself.
- He's fighting a band of rival pirates.
- Giving "the HBO treatment" to pirates.
- No Desmond Miles. You control an employee of Abstergo Entertainment, a subsidary of Aspergo. They're researching the life of Edward Kenway to make...a video game.
- Big focus on Kenway's ship. Can upgrade/customise.
- Spyglass to spot ships and distant islands.
- Open world ship exploration. Metroidvania style world design that requires ship upgrades to better access certain areas.
- Calling it "true open world" and "systemic gameplay". Don't want players to be burdened with loading screens and an abundance of cutscenes as they explore the world.
- Blackbeard, Charles Vane, Calico Jack, Anne Bonny, and Ben Hornigold make an appearance.
- Bartholomew Roberts' assualt on 42 Portuguese ships, and the Spanish Armada wreck, to be shown.
- Open ended assassinations to return.
- Random events in the game world. Example: accidentally stumbling upon an giant enemy ship, then luring that ship into a tropical storm. Boarding the weakened ship to conquer.
- Underwater swimming confirmed.
- Whale hunting
- Cuba, Nassau, tip of Florida, and The Bahamas. Jungles, temples, villaiges, Mayan ruins, underwater shipwrecks, etc.

Redigeret af SteffenD89 - 04-Marts-2013 kl. 12:42
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Oprettet: 10-Juli-2008
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Funktioner Funktioner   Tak (0) Tak(0)   Citér SteffenD89 Citér  BesvarSvar Direkte link til dette indlæg Sendt: 02-Marts-2013 kl. 22:01

Trailer til det nye assassin's creed black flags/AC4. Ingen gameplay, men kan vi mon forvente mere kampe på havet? Det håber jeg!Tongue

Redigeret af SteffenD89 - 02-Marts-2013 kl. 22:01
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Oprettet: 10-Juli-2008
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Funktioner Funktioner   Tak (0) Tak(0)   Citér SteffenD89 Citér  BesvarSvar Direkte link til dette indlæg Sendt: 01-Marts-2013 kl. 15:07
BF4 kommer forresten også til PS4, så jeg kan ikke andet end forvente at Fifa og Call of Duty #3456 også udkommer til next gen konsollerne. Alle spil som "cross gen", så det både er til PS3 og PS4. Samme med Xbox.

Det er i hvert fald sådan jeg ser på det :)

** Vær også lige opmærksom på at konsollen altså ikke nødvendigvis udkommer til oktober, bare fordi at spillet gør det. Det kan jo godt tænkes at det bare er PS3/Xbox 360 udgaven der kommer der og at PS4/Nextbox udgaven senere.

Redigeret af SteffenD89 - 01-Marts-2013 kl. 15:09
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Oprettet: 10-Juli-2008
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Funktioner Funktioner   Tak (0) Tak(0)   Citér SteffenD89 Citér  BesvarSvar Direkte link til dette indlæg Sendt: 01-Marts-2013 kl. 15:04

There’s an older Assassin’s Creed III trailer featured currently, so I imagine we accessed a page we weren’t supposed to. Oops!

We’ve been poking around Ubisoft’s Assassin’s Creed IV: Black Flag countdown site a bit more, and managed to come across another page containing some very interesting information.

First, let’s talk platforms. Along with the PlayStation 3, Xbox 360, PC, and Wii U versions confirmed earlier today, the page says that Black Flag is “also coming to next-gen consoles”. That should mean fans will be able to purchase the next Assassin’s Creed on the PlayStation 4, and perhaps Microsoft’s next-gen console as well.

Ubisoft’s Assassin’s Creed IV page additionally list a release date: October 29. Those who pre-order the title will receive a collectible Todd McFarlane poster.

Finally, before accessing the new page, we reached an age gate with an image which looks to be some new art (or something along those lines). Take a look below:

Redigeret af SteffenD89 - 01-Marts-2013 kl. 15:07
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Oprettet: 10-Juli-2008
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Funktioner Funktioner   Tak (0) Tak(0)   Citér SteffenD89 Citér  BesvarSvar Direkte link til dette indlæg Sendt: 27-Februar-2013 kl. 14:48
Oprindeligt skrevet af amorbavian amorbavian skrev:

Man kunne jo også spille PS1 og PS2 på PS3 (den første)...

Så det du siger Steffen er, at spillene vil ligge på skyen, og at den så vil genkende skiven og du så kan spille dem gratis? Min eneste bekymring er jo omkring GTA som også udkommer lige inden PS4 - og det er jo et spil, man kan bruge lang lang tid på...Og gider jo ikke have både PS3 og 4 tilsluttet...Og hvad med alle de store titler som COD og EA Sports som udkommer under Holiday Season - får de en original PS4 version eller hvad sker der?

For mange ubesvarede spsm...

Det er det jeg tænker, men det er ikke noget der er bekræftet. Bare spekulationer. 

COD, Fifa, BF4 og lignende kommer helt sikkert til både PS3 og PS4 så ikke tænk på det. Ang. GTA så dunno. Måske har de lavet en PS4 udgave? Ellers så må du lige leve med din PS3 plugget til lidt endnuTongue

Det er nok kun lige det første år med PS4 vi vil se lidt bøvl med de titler der ikke helt er kommet til next gen. 
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Oprettet: 10-Juli-2008
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De laver nok samme nummer som nu. Køb brugt og betal et engangsbeløb for at spille online (online pass). Det er for mit vedkommende fint nok.
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Oprettet: 26-November-2006
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Funktioner Funktioner   Tak (0) Tak(0)   Citér Ukke Citér  BesvarSvar Direkte link til dette indlæg Sendt: 27-Februar-2013 kl. 11:19
Eidos' president har udtalt, at Xbox 720 ikke vil understøtte muligheden for at game brugte spil. Ligeledes har SONY, ret kryptisk, udtalt, at "de vil gøre det rigtige" - hvad det end så betyder.

Hvad er jeres mening, hvis SONY vælger at gå samme vej som MS med hensyn til no-pre-played-games-princippet? 

Jeg ved godt, at intet er officielt endnu, men det kunne være interessant at se det fra jeres perspektiv.
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Oprettet: 19-April-2008
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Funktioner Funktioner   Tak (0) Tak(0)   Citér amorbavian Citér  BesvarSvar Direkte link til dette indlæg Sendt: 26-Februar-2013 kl. 15:48
Her der nævner han netop de bekymringer, jeg udtrykker over for (damn, a deja vu :D)

F.eks. at Gaikai umuligt kan virke fra starten - hvordan fanden streamer du GTA? Umuligt...

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Oprettet: 19-April-2008
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Funktioner Funktioner   Tak (0) Tak(0)   Citér amorbavian Citér  BesvarSvar Direkte link til dette indlæg Sendt: 26-Februar-2013 kl. 15:26
Men så har du jo DRIVE CLUB! ;) Eller hvad det nu hedder..

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Oprettet: 17-Marts-2008
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Funktioner Funktioner   Tak (0) Tak(0)   Citér Klondike Citér  BesvarSvar Direkte link til dette indlæg Sendt: 26-Februar-2013 kl. 11:53
Syntes da også det er skod hvis man ikke kan bruge sine PS3 spil.
Der går jo sikkert 100 år og en eftermiddag før f.eks spil som GT 6 kommer til PS4.
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